Every morning at 9 & 10am I have a date with Maury I absolutely LOVE Maury especially when he does the Paternity shows.But what I just never can understand is why do these females go on Maury and say 'Maury I am 1000% sure he IS the father...and Maury will respond back "So there's no one else that can be the father"? Female "Maury, I did not sleep with anyone else, There is NO ONE else Maury...He IS my child's father"..... and of course the guy comes in "Maury, she's a hoe, anyone can be the father......" and of course, the audience is booing him and you at home are probably like "what a loser, he should stand up and take responsibility, that baby looks like him etc". Out come the results, female is standing up ready to cheer and Maury says "In the case of "insert name", "guy's name, You ARE not the father" {Notice how Maury always stresses the "are" LOL,.... and of course the Man is laughing, clapping....and the female is running off stage embarassed, crying "Maury, I wasn't with any one else." Few minutes later..."I know who it is Maury"....Ok.... So if you knew you were with more than one person why not woman-up and say it...why stress to everyone on "National" t.v that you were NOT with anyone else? The other one that gets me is the females that go up there and say "Maury I need to confess a secret to my man/husband....I cheated on him with his best friend and "baby" might not be his"....Like are you serious??? IF you loved him soooo much, WHY are you cheating on him??? Does that make sense??? It's just sad how females are these days...Trifling ! If you don't want to be with your man, then leave him... but sleeping around is NOT a good look. There are many diseases out there, is it really worth it? But with all that said...I LOVE Maury and as much as I do NOT agree with the females up on there LOL I love watching it. It's my entertainment for the day :-) BUT you will NEVER catch me up on Maury !
I love Maury too! lol I feel good about my life after watching that show. :) Welcome to the blog world!